Happy Easter Everyone
As we move into the Easter weekend here in Sydney, a full and generous moon is shining down upon us. Bright and benevolent it is sharing the promise of Easter..
Hope, Renewal & Second Chances
The moon and the Angels of the Vatican City will be watching and guiding us, so look above and look within and feel the nurture of a 'Compassion Moon'.
While I'm Here..
Remember to be safe this Easter. If you are driving long distances don't forget to ..
Rest, Revive and Survive!!
Artwork [copyright beingRuby©]
Created from original photography: [beingRuby©]
Location: Vatican City, Italy, August 2011
Happy Easter to you too, Julie! Beautiful images of a full moon. It is beautiful here. I love seeing a full moon over the water.
Have a great weekend.
The moon was awesome, huge, and orange last night as we drove home from Good Friday service...I hurried to get a shot (had to dash down the street in my flip-flops) but, alas, the sunset-y colour had disappeared when the sun went into the sea and I was left with a smaller, brighter bauble that I couldn't photograph without glare...too much high contrast...I need the fill-light of the sun to successfully catch that illusive moon!!! Maybe I can catch it this morning just before sunrise as it falls over the edge of the sea...we'll see...
Serene, beautiful- as only Julie can do!
The full moon was gorgeous and huge, but I was not able to get a pic of it. I'll just have to hold it in my memory.
Julie, have the happiest of Easters!
GOOD MORNING, JULIE! (at least from my end of the world!)
What a gorgeous moon I saw early yesterday morning, shining so clearly and it always amazes me that we are looking at the same moon and stars and yet we are so far away from one another.
Your lovely rendition of the quick click of the camera captures YOUR vision so beautifully, and you will always be one of my favorite photographers in all of blogland and beyond. PEACE AND GRACE TO YOU AND YOURS DEAREST JULIE!! Anita
Hi Julie...saw you over at Anita's...too right that our Autumn weather is better than our Summer weather at the moment...it's just perfect....Happy Easter to you and stay safe...Dzintra xox
Happy Easter Julie! I hope your's is safe and relaxing too! I love the "Compassion Moon" over the Vatican City. Gorgeous! The view of the moon was so beautiful from my home. I called my daughter to tell her to go look at it. I should have got my camera out.
I hope your Easter is wonderful!
Love your POST! Beautiful, thank you.
Have a blessed Easter!
Much love,
Happy easter blessings darling...love from me....xxx..
The moon on Friday night was absolutely amazing!
I couldn't sleep.... it kept me awake all night.
Hello Julie!
Last night the moon shone brightly in my bedroom window...and I thought of you! lol...
Having just been at the Vatican in October...this series is particularly meaningful to me. Beautiful photos!
Happy Easter my friend!
Compassion Moon. Perfect. I love it. I adore this post. (As i do all of your posts.) Happy Easter to you. I know it already is where you live. The moon here in OR was exquisite last night, and did indeed have a lovely pinkish hue. :)
this is wicked creative.
i love it!!!
and you.
So amazing my friend! The moon was just so bright this time and so beautiful.
I hope you had a wonderful Easter.
Hello Julie
I love your images and in particular the first one.
The moon has been spectacular, yesterday as it rose it was a huge orange ball, reflected sunlight - quite surreal.
May the blessings of Easter carry through the year
Happy Easter Julie. Glad to see you posting again.
I do love your special blend of imagination, romance and travel pix, all wrapped up like colourful Easter eggs.
Beautiful shots of the Vatican,
You really made it look availabile.
The first time I saw it , it look unreal ,so huge. This looks like a Movie shot. Happy Easter and don't let the bunny bite you,
This last full, Ruby Moon, was spectacular here in Southern California...Giant, yellow...just amazing.
I haven’t visited in awhile and what a pleasure to see such beautiful new work...a different direction to be sure...but me like e.
Happy easter time to you Julie and thanks for sahring your wonderful work
AWWWWWW Julie! You do create the most beautiful angels and trees and moons this side of Paradise! xxxSharon
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