Proudly Presented By

To The Moon Alice
June 2013
Good Evening Ladies & Gentleman, Young and Old.
Sit Back, Relax & Welcome to Your Feature Attraction.
This week we are showing a Super Moon Extravaganza. Full to the brim, Mr Moon is whipping up a ferocious sea and doing battle with Mr Big Waves. Known for his exciting action scenes, Mr Big Waves will be making a SPLASH across the big blog screen in a dueling battle with Mr Moon.
Who will be the victor? Or will these two exciting players find a sense of calm amidst the brewing storm? Only time will tell. Whatever the outcome you are sure to be thrilled by the emotion sparked by these two big names on the blog circuit. Only Mother Nature herself has ever managed to tame their antics once the feuding is set in motion.
Tonight's action is mellowed by an up and coming new player 'A Pocket Full of Posies'. Never before seen this side of the Plimsoll Line, this quiet and sensitive stunner will be sure to pull your heart strings. A warning for the sensitive folk, some scenes may disturb! 'Posy' finds herself in the midst of a ferocious storm. Will her petals survive? Will she be blown to the 4 corners of mother earth? You'll have to wait for the sequel. So come back next week for our coming attraction when 'Mr Big Waves' visits 'Posies' quiet village home at the edge of the sea.
We Hope You Have Enjoyed Tonight's Attraction!
Proudly Brought To You By
'Ruby Time Productions'©

This has been another Ruby Time Production©
Artwork from original photography: [beingRuby©]
Location: A Little Bit of Everywhere
Mr Big Waves likes to stay at The Four Seasons 'Shoreline'
A Pocket Full of Posies is dressed by 'Mother Nature'
Disclaimer: No Flowers were hurt during the making of this 'featurette'. Sadly, the same cannot be said for the Sailboat which capsized shortly after filming the storm sequence. A replacement is being drawn in as we speak to ensure next week's sequel is brought in on schedule
Wow, Julie! You are movin' on up in the production arena! Enjoyed the show and can't wait for the SuperMoon to show up in our neighborhood !
Whimsical stuff Julie. Very pretty.
Julie! You've out done yourself! This is so creative and entertaining. You've got my attention and now I can't decide who I like the more...maybe Mr. Big Waves. He sounds dreamy! haha I was thinking you would probably post about the amazing moon! Thanks for the smiles!
How lucky you appeared in my Facebook feed! Lovely to see your beautiful images again Julie. Much love from France :)
wow! you were lucky to see it.. the clouds must have cleared slightly where you were. these are gorgeous images.
I am telling yo for the fiftieth time that you are one talented lady, friend!!
These images are perfection!
Wow Julie...such beautiful colors in your pictures! Are they your photographs you've altered?
So glad I saw the (pinkish) moon last night with a very high tide and an outdoor fire. A calm and balmy night! Lovely!
Happy Summer! xoRoberta
What a fabulous post. You have such a creative mind. Love it. Julie, you get better every day. I am glad you are posting again. I did a Post on
Julia Gillard, I like the way she
handles herself.
Your blog is always a delight.
Came back to see your beautiful art work.
We have had a very bright moon
the last few nights.
Not as pretty as yours.
Big hug to you Julie. XXX
Wish I were there............
The colors alone in this post make me happy! Did you really capture that fantastic moon shot? I tried, but it didn't look all that big over Lake Michigan on vacation. Maybe my camera wasn't good enough. You really have outdone yourself with these photos!
Your photos - paintings are gorgeous. sandie
I can't begin to tell you how beautiful and creative I think your artwork is! I've shared it with friends and I will be back to look again and again. Thank you, Jennifer jennsthreegraces
Checking in to see if you are having a heat spell. It is bloody awful hot
in Maine. This is unheard of. Normally we get 3 days for the whole Summer at 88-90 degrees. I had a whole week of this. The homes are not air conditioned, I have A/C in the bedroom. To hot to do yard work. sick of Movies, Hope you are cool. yvonne
What's your guess for the Baby Prince's name? George, Edward, James????
What's going on in your worls? I am going to Hosp for a day or two.
Touch base later.
Hello there sweet Julie! I see you are still up to your breathtaking photos; the sea along with the moon, are two of my favorite elements of life. You enhance the color of the water so beautifully, and I am mad about your photography!
So good to come by and visit. Anita
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