
It's difficult to comprehend the magnitude of devastation in Haiti this week and the loss of so many lives. If you can make a donation it will help provide assistance to the Haitian people who have been affected by this disaster. Even a small amount can make a difference if we all do something!
Aussie Bloggers can donate via;
Links to other Australian charities can be found at A-M's post - 'Aussie Bloggers Help Haiti'
Oh Julie I know isn't it awful just saw the little baby been pulled out after being there for 3 days, you just cannot believe it can you, we have such a fragile & cruel earth sometimes!!
Done my donation ... but not through Aussie! With global warming I guess this sort of tragedy is going to become more commonplace. What other than prayers as well as money???
I shall be making a donation, Julie.
My heart goes out to all of those who lost their lives and the friends and families of those who are missing. XXXX
merci pour eux, pas toutes les femmes qui bloguent pensent à ces pauvres gens!
Thank you for this. That level of loss and devastation is simply unimaginable.
I don't think we can really comprehend the devastation...we must do all that we can!
It really is such a horrible, sad situation. I have to wonder how they will ever recover. Thanks for posting this.
Thanks, Julie. Done my donation, too...through the Disasters Emergency Committee which is a UK umbrella organisation. Remember everybody, be careful...only donate through organisations you know.
It is so nice to hear the word traveling. A lot of people don't know where to turn to make donations. Thanks to you, Julie!
I have been in Haiti in the 70's. Infact in that Palace. I saw it on the news and knew at that moment the people had no chance. They live in shacks. Total poverty. This country is so close we should be sending equipment there.
On the news this morning was a man from Deerfield Beach, fl. My old neighborhood.His Daughter and friends from Lynn college are over there and THEY CAN'T FIND THEM. He is a CONTRACTOR AND WANTS TO BRING HIS EQUIPMENT
over THERE. It is awful that our President hasn't had some contact with those families in Florida.
Hope we don't have another BUSH in office.
I cannot begin to imagine what sadness and fear those afflicted by the earthquake feel.
Thank you from Washington, DC, Julie. I have been very dismayed by many bloggers with large followings who have barely mentioned it among the pink cupcakes of which they blog. Very upset. I live amongst Haitians & I can tell you they are determined this time that it will be different. Many people do not know that Bill & Hillary Clinton honeymooned in Haiti & have had a profound link to the island nation ever since. That's why he's UN special envoy before this...long-planned meetings to iron out details of donors, construction projects, & so forth will go on as planned. Much was in the works when this hit. Anyway, thanks so much & for people to help, yes, donate. I also recommend Yele Haiti, run by Wyclef Jean, Haitian musician & extraordinary person. It's important for Haitian institutions to be strengthened so that they will be able to respond in the future. This is also a goal of the Clinton Foundation & the UN, etc.
They will recover & rebuild. Now, we can only keep Haiti in mind when the rest of the world looks at the latest celebrity hoohah. This is the long haul. For those who see this from North America, South America, & the Caribben: they are our neighbors. We've not been very good ones in the past; let's make it right this time.
ciao-meow to all
Susan & GG
One of the poorest countries in the world. We need to come together and do everything possible!!!
Great post Julie!!!
you are sweet to remind everyone to reach out and help in whatever way we can.
its important that we dont forget to care.
Thanks for this post. I have a personal connection to Haiti through friends from church, so this makes the disaster so much closer to home. I appreciate your desire to spread the word for donations.
My boys have donated their pocket money from last month too. I sat them in front of SBS news last night. They were totally silent. They have to know how blessed they are. Letting them witness aerial shots of piles of bodies was hard but how else do they learn how to cherish everything they have.... clean water, shelter, food, a hospital down the road. My little one muttered, "I just love my bed" when he hopped into it last night. My big one just hugged me extra tight. A-M xx
I agree. Have i missed something? What has our prime minister said/done to put Australia with other nations to lend a hand? I have not heard anything...
Julie .... here in Holland a radio station had an all day telethon on the tv and the radio,yesterday they raised 42million euro and then the foreign ministry doubled it.... sooo 83 million euro is going to Haiti. The foreign minister ,Bert Koender said he would double anything raised before midnight. A famous chef here in HOlland spent the day passing out pea soup in town center by the train station, one person gave 150 euro for bowl of soup... Guus Hiddink football coach donated 45,000 euro even Queen Beatrix donated. Feels good to help...... Julie in Holland.. :)
HI Julie [in Holland]
It is heartwarming to hear of the worldwide generosity in aid of the Haitian people. It's such a terrible tragedy.. Reminds me of the 2004 Tsunami.. You know I saw on the news the other day a man in Thailand was walking the streets of Bangkok with an elephant raising money to help Haiti. He said that when Thailand was impacted by the Tsunami the whole world came to their assistance and he wanted to repay that generosity by helping the Haitian... sad and heartwarming...
Hope you are well... Julie [in Australia]
Julie, awe, so he felt he wanted to "give back". Thats a great story.Heres hoping to better life for the people who have suffered and lost ... Julie in Holland xo
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