
If it's Tuesday, this must be Australia!!
Well I've changed this post. I took down the Sydney Harbour image [as it didn't do it justice] and left just Mr Cockatoo, who for me, is truly iconic Australia. The cockatoo represents some of my favourite things about this country. The down to earth, larrikin nature of it's people and the abundance of natural beauty wherever you turn.
This little fella was enjoying having his photo taken... At least he stayed still... I haven't had a visit from one of these little guys in a while... In my previous apartment, they would hang out in groups on the balcony railings and bop along in tune to the radio ... then whilst at work.. they'd feast on the flyscreens and lop the top off all my potted plants ... funny little fellas!! argghhh ... hahaha
Well as much as they are trouble, I love these guys and their funny ways.. and to me they are part and parcel of living in Australia... and remind me of a few of my friends.. a bit pazzo but down to earth and a lot of fun.
Truly iconic Australia ...
Happy Australia Day Everyone
Peter Allen says it best
I'm always travelin'
And I love bein' free
So I keep leavin' the sun and the sea
But my heart lies waiting over the foam
I still call Australia home
All the sons and daughters spinning 'round the world
Away from their families and friends
Ah, but as the world gets older and colder
It's good to know where your journey ends
And someday we'll all be together once more
When all the ships come back to the shore
Then I realize something I've always known
I still call Australia home
No matter how far
Or how wide I roam
I still call Australia home
..IMAGE SOURCE: Photography and editing - [Being Ruby]..
And Happy Australia Day to you too Dear Julie!!! Can't get much better than Sydney Harbour...and those galahs...all so very Aussie!!! Peter says it all in that iconic song...Have a great day, Dzintra♥x
God! I think I've got tears in my eyes... Bugger! Ok Miss Julie, I see you are much more beautiful than Amelia Earheart and I suspect more courage and bravado behind those dark sunglasses than Amelia herself had! Great to be home from London - although they were preparing for Australia Day there too. Sigh - how can I write my own blog post with tears running down my cheek. Think I'll go for a walk first ;-) Lovely post...
Can't even read the words of that song without blubbering! Happy day to you too, Miss Ruby/Jules A-M xx
Hey Julie, love the pics, I wonder what adventures people are having on the liner in the second pic. I've only been back at work for a blink and I 'm already day dreaming of holidays, Happy Australia Day all, cheers Katherine
I've never been to Australia, but you're selling it to me here, and I've learnt a new word, which will get good use in my house. "You're driving me to chocolate, you pazzo children", or more affectionately "pass the chocolate, pazzos". By the way, all my Australian friends are insouciant. It's a magnificent national quality.
A lovely tribute...the cockatoo, that's my Aussie pick for today. xv
Alas, you are so far away! Love your photos Julie! Give us more! ...and what about the kangaroo?
I also think of them when I think of Australia....guess they wouldn't be hanging about (or hopping around)your apartment!
:) silly me!
I love that Peter Allen song ... always brings a tear to the eye! And I always start singing it as we descend into Sydney after a long haul flight!
Enjoy Australia Day my dear Julie ... go to the pub, have a drink for me and play a game of two-up!!!
I don't miss those cockatoos .. they are sure damn noisy in a group!
Dear Julie,
To this English girl (and I use the word girl, loosely!!) to have a cockatoo on your balcony (if you'll pardon the expression!!) is so exotic.
The best that we get here are woodpeckers and hawks.
In two photographs and the lyrics of a song, you have summed up your feelings and your patriotism of the country in which you live.
Happy Australia Day, Julie. XXXX
Happy Australia Day, Julie! I just knew you would record the day in true style without a pair of thongs, a BBQ or a stubby holder in sight....thank you! Meredy xo.
Hi Julie...what a lovely post. I can't imagine having a little cookatoo sitting outside my window. That would be fun. How lucky you are to have such beautiful surroundings. Have a great day...julie
Ciao Julie! I understand it's a special day for you and your country today! I like the choice of your photos!!! Have a nice time and happy Australia day!!!
Big hugs
Happy Australia Day, Julie. It's even on our calendar here!
Susan & GG
Hi, Julie!
I´m sorry , for not being here, missing a lot of posts....=(
I´ve been so busy at home, and now I´m feeling a bit blue.
I just got better from having that flue, and now it´s all over me again, this time even worse...
Well, well.... I´ll go to sleep soon, and hope it will come off me tomorrow [most likely it wont]...
You changed your profile, that I notised , and your post is wonderful, so are the images of Sydney Harbour!
Have a great week, my friend!
Lovely post! To me it almost sounds like a fairy tale to have these gorgeous cockatoos around.
The cockatoos are so darn adorable! Kind of like your friends. hmm?
Happy Australia Day from Vancouver! Beautiful images....
Happy Aussie Day Julie!!! What a beautiful and exotic country you live in. Maybe someday I'll be lucky enough to come visit. Too bad you don't get as many visits from your beautiful feathered friend, though I can see the frustration in the damage they do.
silly question but is it true that Aussie's don't drink Foster's beer that much.....maybe a bad rumor!
Happy celebrating!
Julie tus fotografias y Australia son todo BELLEZA como tus ojos, como tu corazón...tu mundo es maravilloso, un abrazo y feliz fin de semana, Lourdes
yes- true. Another great post Julie. YEars ago some frinds of mine had a cedar holiday house...They arrived one weekend to find the Sulphur crested cockatoos had "eaten" it... stripped all the timber... talk about rat bags :o)
Happy Australia Day to you Julie! I love your photo. It brings back fond memories of living in Sydney on the Kuringai National Park. We had so many beautiful birds and those cockatoos were never shy about letting their presence known. I recall cursing them more than once too. Still, they are beautiful and will always remind me of Australia along with the kookaburras. It took us months getting used to not waking up to that wonderful sound at the crack of dawn. Thanks for the memories. Hope you had a great day!
Jeanne :)
sounds like some of my friends too haha !!
what a great place you live in, and so sweet that you love it
Happy Australia Day Julie. I had the best day. Hope you did too. Simone xx
Happy Australia day to you! Cute little birdie? How could something so cute make you crazy? (Oh wait! Dick's cute...!)
Oh MATE!! throw another prawn on the barbie & crack a cold one & lets celebrate, we really do live in a wonderful nation...cheers
Makes me want to plan a trip down under right now!
I LOVE Peter Allen as I have mentioned to you before. He was a great cook too. I LOATHE cockatoos. At my mothers farm they wake me with their stupid screeching every morning at 5 am it truly puts me off going there. They also eat all her daffodil bulbs. I much prefer Rosella. Hope you had a Happy A Day. xoxo
Hahaha yes cockatoos are lovely until they eat your property!! Still i too think they are iconic! x
The cockatoo is a great image it reminds me of some of Catherine Martin's designs. I am so thankful to live is this wonderful country.
SYDNEY it is beautiful.
I would love to go there.
You love being an Aussie
like I love Maine.That is an awesome Harbor.
a belated Happy Australia Day to you, Julie! Any relief from the heat yet? You may want to come over here for a wee whilie! ;) Lovely images, btw, i love your blues. Exquisite shades. Lizzy x
Oh, I loved this! So amazing that these little birds are just out and about doing their thing! They are rare pets here.
Happy Australia Day to you, Julie!
Hi Julie! What a lovely post! I would love to see Australia someday; you are so lucky to call it your home. It sounds like the most wonderful place and my daughter would go crazy for the cockatoos! She's a big bird lover. It is so neat that they're just right outside your window. The only ones we see here are sadly in cages. Happy Australia Day a day or two late. I hope it was great! Jennifer :)
i like your new 'negative' head shot.
is it you ??
and peter allen.....
i loved him. i haven't heard anybody (over here) mention him in many years.
nyc people i am sure continue to appreciate him as i do.
thank you for the sweetest comment.
Dear Julie,
I have finaly changed my blog lay out and I realy wanted to thank you for your help with it!!!
A big hug! Have a nice weekend!
Dear Ruby/Julie - I absolutely love this iconic cockatoo photo - beautiful! Would love this to add to my 'reminders of home for homesick days' wall! Do you sell any of your work? I really miss those brash birds stripping my garden bare and making such a mess! Happy weekend.....Susie x
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