



It's A Moonfest!!
I'm late for my full moon post!! For my Blue Moon Post. Yes kids it's a Blue Moon here in Australia. The last full moon in the southern hemisphere was actually the 1st January, not New Year's Eve as it was for the northerners!! Which makes today's full moon a Blue Moon!! And what a moon it is!! It is so bright it seems to know it is special and is flirting and flaunting it's brilliant dazzle across the unsuspecting southern skies!! For the last three months I've been struggling to get a moon shot as each full moon the skies have been shrouded in cloud and mist. But tonight? Tonight it's a moonfest!!
As I couldn't decide which moon images to post, I thought I'd give you the whole shebang!! Well there are a few I left out, but we do have eleven more full moons this year, so they'll keep for a later post!
I've spent the last two nights at my local beach cafe, drinking cappuccinos, munching on baklava and waiting for the moon to do her stuff... A few false starts last night, but tonight.. tonight it was a gala event. She flirted at first, dancing between the clouds, then with the confidence of an old showgirl, out she came, spotlighting the bay and anyone in her path. A bit of a showoff I say!! When the time came to say goodbye, I turned to take one last look and there she was framing herself nicely between the trees.
A cameo shot... who could resist?



Well, I am sorry I haven't been around the blog circuit much this week. Hopefully next week will be better now I am fuelled on moonshine!! ha ha not the alcohol variety!! Or perhaps it's the cappuccinos!! Hope you are all well and enjoying this gorgeous January moon, blue or otherwise! As I am late with this moon post I didn't have time for a Silver Sunday post too [maybe later]. Once again I've been up all night so I'd better go get some sleep.. will catch you all soon!
Seven Seconds - Youssou N'dour
It's not a second, Seven seconds away
Just as long as I stay, I'll be waiting
It's not a second, Seven seconds away
Just as long as I stay, I'll be waiting
I'll be waiting, I'll be waiting
...MOON Notes: ahh yes i forgot to include my moon notes. January's full moon is known as 'Wolf Moon' or 'Moon After Yule'. It will appear wider and fatter than usual as it is at perigee [closest to the earth] when it becomes full.. I will try again a few nights later as the big yellow moon usually occurs when it rises late..IMAGE SOURCE: Photography and photo editing by me - [Being Ruby]..
Ha! Your sunshiny self visited me and I'm so pleased. That moon seduced you, didn't it? It lured you in with promises and whispers. Gorgeous photos, Julie. When you get behind that camera you create masterpieces.
Those are serious moonlight, Jules. xoxo
Susan & GG
Wonderful full moon shots Julie...Happy weekend, xv.
Julie, the way you describe the moon, is wonderful! With such passion!
I´m happy she showed herself for you, so that you could capture her beauty... Your images are filled with magic and mystery, and I love it!
Seems you had a nice time waiting for the moon, sitting at the beach cafe, sipping your cappuccino with baklava! Baklava is so goood! Yummie!
I wish you a really good start of the new week!
WOO HOO ! awesome!!!
now thats perseverance (on your part) and perfection (on hers)!!
Be still my heart.
Truly howl-worthy!!
Hi Julie, Amazing pics, as always, the first series have a real water colour effect...amazing. Owooo, that's me howling...haha. Have a lovely Sunday, cheers Katherine
wasn't it extraordinary, julie?! i'm currently at the beach and it lit up the entire town, just beautiful. be well. x
I have just got to start taking my camera on my morning walks. The moon set (Is this correct?) was just so beautiful this morning. It was kind of foggy and Point Loma in the background was obscured. It was just the old fat yellow moon over the ocean. Gorgeous! As are your pics. I did shoot the almost-full moon last night, but my digital is just not powerful enough to get a really good shot. Not like yours.
I haven't been around much either, as I am trying to get to all the blogs on the One World One Heart Magic Carpet Ride. I did it last year and am sure I can again. It just takes time. Anyway, hope you are well down under!
Ah, you sound happy, Julie. I bet you were too hyper to sleep after all. And the photos are wonderful, well worth all that baklava, say I. You've no idea what good this awareness of a different warmer world does me as I sit by the fire at the end of a January of cold and early starts.
Julie your a star! Thanks so much for the fab picks I didn't get to see the moon last night tropical olga had sent us in North East Queensland RAIN RAIN RAIN & more rain with gusty winds so your moon picks have cheered me up heaps, thanks :)
The moon was SO gorgeous here the other night. I wish I'd thought to grab the camera. You captured it beautifully!
Oooooohhhh, beautiful! My brother posted today's moon saying that January 31st's moon is the first full moon of 2010 as well as the biggest and brightest view we'll get in a year. He says its name is Full Wolf Moon, according to space.com. His moon shots aren't anywhere near as wonderful as yours! Nice job capturing it for us! Grazie!
ooooohhhh, beautiful!!! I wrote an earlier comment but it didn't seem to want to publish...I hope you find it...if not, I was saying that my brother posted January 31st's full moon saying that it was called "Wolf Moon", the first full moon of 2010, the biggest and brightest we'll experience this year. Anyway, I went on to say how much better your shots were than his...by a LONG shot!!!
Beautiful Julie! Gorgeous inky blue sky, water and moon....dream like qualities to these special photos!
:) Laura
What beautiful photos of your "blue moon"! Thanks so much for sharing them.
Have a wonderful week.
Beautiful photos! Congratulations on such a beautiful blue moon.
great photography again.. reminds me of a favorite poem "The Highwayman"
"...the Moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas......and the highway man came riding...."
top stuff... :o)
Ahhh Julie...evenings at the local beach cafe...cappucinos, baklava...and watching the Moon...Perfect!!! As always stunning pics...Dzintra♥x
Your moon shots always do something to me, dear Julie!
It cast it's magical spell on me too a few nights ago ... with its large glorious presence. How can you not be charmed by her?
Just beautiful shots over Botany Bay ... as always!
OMG!!! They look like the moon shot's in the Betty Davis MOVIE "THE LETTER" so very, mysterious, haunting. I love looking at the moon,
I don't howl, just look.
your place for coffee looks Fabulous. Out doors??.
It was zero tonight.. I went to winterfest today.Got good photo's.
You always touch me with your poetic photos and words! Great Julie!
Happy Sunday!
I have a dreadful confession to make, Julie. When I heard on the radio it was going to be a Blue Moon, I considered whether or not to try to make an effort and photograph it and turn it into an "event" for the family....then I thought "Nah...Julie will do an amazing post on the event I'm sure and I'll show the kids then!". I am a truly terrible mother. Thanks for being awesome and helping to broaden my poor children's horizons. Meredy xo.
Stunning! You just captured the pure essence of the moon and I am humbled by your artistic ability my friend.
I was visiting a Florida blogger just a bit ago and she also posted about the Wolf Moon. I had never heard that expression before, so you both taught me something new today, thanks!
Exquisite photos of the moon...I don't know if I have ever told you the story but when my gorgeous dad passed away by little Andrew was only 3 and one night soon after we were standing out on my back deck and he looked at me with his beautiful big hazel eyes and said mummy theirs poppy and he was pointing up at the moon.... so ever since that in our little family the moon as had even more significance.... Take care my friend C xxxx
How stunning.
Your photographs are beautiful.
I enjoyed visiting, and I will be back!
beautiful moonfest!!
Gorgeous gorgeousness, once again. Fun sharing the same moon, but yours comes with a beach. :)
This particular moon is also called the 'Wolf moon'. Did you see Mars as well?
Beautiful! Have a great day, Julie!
Hi Julie! I'm sorry you weren't feeling well. I think I've recovered from whatever I had. Your shots of the moon are so gorgeous. I love the one with the trees. I'm so jealous of you sitting at your beach cafe drinking cappuccinos! That sounds so good! Take care! Jennifer:)
I am impressed Julie. They are the nicest photos of the moon that I have never seen. I like the colour that always has the light in your images.
Have a nice and normaly week,
Julie, these photographs are so fabulous!!! Worth the wait. The moon is awesome these day here too, never thought of taking a picture, haha! I guess my photography years are a thing of the past.
Hi Julie
What beautiful moon shots!
We experienced a wolf moon on Friday. Alas, my poor little camera could not capture the beauty. (Hint to hubby...birthday is coming) With the coastal fog and the glare from our street light, my photos were a bit fuzzy. Oh well...I'll just enjoy yours...
Jane (artfully graced)
ps thanks for stopping by. I always look forward to your visit.
I did not know the word "wolf Moon"! I love it!! And your pictures are so fabulous! You should send them to some Magazines as National Geographic!!!
Bye the sounds of it Julie, she was well worth the wait. I know it was worth it from our end, as we got the beautiful result. To live surrounded by such beauty, must be such a delight to a tremendous photographer as yourself? I really hope you are on the mend & feeling like you could conquer the world this week? Thanks for the emails. I love hearing from you, always.
Sweet dreams xx deb
Julie you have outdone yourself. These photos are amazing!! Reminded me of my all time favourite full moon experience, climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge with a full moon coming up over the Opera House. It just sat above it in all it's glory. One of those moments you never forget. This is equally as special. Well done..you lucky thing!
PS...My favourite movie on a full moon is 'Moonstruck' with Cher...an oldie but goodie. Great moments in that film!
My dear friend Julie,
So sorry that I'm late with my comment. Have tried 3 times and lost it !!!!
That moon is so bright and so blue....I love the second photograph. It reminds me so much of those ink blot pictures that I used to do when I was young....if truth be told, I still do them !! haha.... and the last photograph and text of beach cafe's, cappuccino's and baklava is so romantic. We have had another dusting of snow, but because of your beautiful words, I think that I can feel those warm, balmy breezes and smell that strong, sweet coffee. Thank's for taking me to a good place. XXXX
Such a fine and bright full moon this month. OMG Julie, I just now looked up and out of my window and the moon is rising over the bay, a perfect cirle of the prettiest orange. The sky is clear and the stars are out. Your post was a reminder to look for her. (it's 7:23 p.m.) A beautiful surprise! xo Roberta
""""B E A U T I F U L"""" full moon shots Julie, I knew you would be out with your camera someone, I just love the shot of the moon with the twinkling water below.
xxxx Coty
'the moon over the water' is my absolute favorite.
i love it.
Julie...in Madrid, these days we have seen tambiénn a wonderful full moon .. big and brilliant .... as never.... my husband said to me that they are the days of the year in which more brilliant one sees ...... your photos always they are unique ....¡¡¡¡ happy week ... do not work very much ... Berta
I love this post and I'm so glad you took these beautiful photos. I took the dogs for a walk yesterday morning before the sun came up and the moon was still large in the sky - words cannot describe how beautiful it was, but your fabulous photos do! Leigh
Well, it's a marvelous night for a moondance...sigh. I think this is where we met, over one of your bella luna's. These are just as lovely, Julie, and again those shades of blue are exquisite. Beautiful post. Lizzy :)
Julie, I've been thinking about you for 3 days dying to get onto the old Mac to see if you'd done your moon shots. Thanks to you I could proudly tell everyone HERE that there was a blue Moon back HOME! FABBO. The moon over water had me choking back a gulp in my throat... boo hoo. Your trees remind me suspiciously of the ones growing along Manly Beach ( I lived in Fairlight for 6 months while waiting for my French visa...) Happy to be back and hope you're well. Love
Your full moon images always make me happy! So incredibly divine! And oh how I love that LUNAtic Mother Nature and the crazy antics she bestows upon us when the full moon is at its peaked glory!
It seems the moon was delightful everywhere that night ...
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