

Tis a braw, bricht, moonlicht nicht the nicht!!
Full Moon January 2010
For some of you, it was a Blue Moon that accompanied you through the New Year's celebrations. Here in Australia, the moon was not full until January 1st, so our 'Blue' moon will happen on January 30. There was also a Lunar Eclipse to herald in this new decade, so no matter where you are, go outside, drink in the moonlight and dream big!!! And if you need a second chance, come back for an Aussie Blue Moon on January 30!!
Happy New Year and Happy Full Moon
May All Your Dreams Come True

Thank you for all the New Year's wishes! I'll be round to visit you soon!!
IMAGE SOURCE: Original photography and artwork [Being Ruby]
Gaelic provided by Lizzie [where mountains meet the sea]
As the full moon was rising last night and I was attempting to take pictures of it with my iPhone, I thought of you! Hope your celebration was festive and fun.
We had a full moon, while we were drinking the champagne yesterday, does that count? =)
Today was a wonderful day, with the sun shining over the snowy streets!
Unfortunatley, I couldn´t manage to go outside, since I have such a bad cold...
I hope you´ll have a really nice day and night!
wonderful post and photo Julie..We had a lovely full moon yesterday. Enjoyed it.. Have a great year, it was so nice to meet with you and your blog on 2009..
I LOVE both versions of that image, Julie, but the deep blue one speaks to me on an almost cellular level. You are Queen of the Photoshop in my book!
May your 2010 be the best of your life so far!
Your photos are truly amazing and for me so appropriate Julie. We were at some friends home last night & we were all standing around an outdoor fire and gazing at the magnificent 'blue moon'. It was so brilliant and the clouds were whipping bye back & forth in front of it's gleaming face. I had gotten word that mom would likely pass last evening & I would stare at that moon thinking about her journey to heaven. I was notified that she did pass at 2 a.m. West Coast time here in the U.S. She made it until 2010. So, your beautiful post reminds me of her.You have such a talent and I'm proud to call you my friend. xxx
hey ruby,
at least you could see your moon. i will post later today... hilarious!
i wasnt thinking that your second moon isnt till later. cool
enjoy your day
Hello Julie and Hello 2010!
Sorry I missed wishing you a Happy New Year's sooner. But here I am, and loving your "Blue Moon" post. I've been too busy to even check out the heavens, but will look skyward this evening, and check out the celestial display.
I'll be there! Our Blue Moon was clouded over but nevertheless vibrant. My camera couldn't handle its essence...so fireworks had to be the camera satisfaction.
Your moon looks beautiful this New ( is that ironic ? )Year's Day/night !! Do you think that the fog of clouds are there because of that......
AMAZING FIREWORK DISPLAY that Sydney had last night ?
It was fantastic...you Aussies certainly know how to put on a firework display, don't you ?
London was pretty good too, as were many displays around the world.
Looks as if your New Year really started with a BANG !!!! ( groan, groan. That was a bit corny !!) Wishing you a delightful 2010, Julie. XXXX
You saw me standing alone.
Without a dream in my heart.
Without a love of my own.
I stood outside at midnight, snowflakes gently falling, and made a wish under this moon. La bella luna! What a beautiful image, Julie! Thank you for seeing me into the new year with your wonderful posts. I can't wait to see how the rest of the year unfolds. I wish you the best of everything for 2010, lass.
Bliadhna mhath ur
xoxo Julie...thanks for posting about the Blue Moon even if you don't have "yours" yet. Back soon. How could one glass of pinot noir make me feel so groggy? (No, it was not a gigantic glass!)
More soon...
Susan & GG (who is sleeping off an extra helping of organic chicken "cereal" -- her equivalent to wine)
Hi Julie! Very cool photos. They look like the cover of a good book or a poster for a movie. I missed the blue moon! It rained all night and couldn't be seen. They showed Sydney on the news with all the fireworks and celebrating! It looked wonderful! I hope your New Year's was fun (even if you weren't going to a ball)!:)
I missed the eclipse but for one night it seemed almost daylight outside as the moon was so bright. Happy new year, and may Ruby eclipse Julie as much as you would wish.
The moon was so bright last night, it woke me up - it was magical.
Happy, happy New Year, Julie. Here's to another year of endless inspiration and beauty!
xo Isa
gawjus!! dahling! may YOUR dreams come true too!!
happy, happy, happy!
So romantic and dreamy. i was only chatting about this( the blue moon month) with a lovely random stranger in the check out line today...don't you just love those chats its a bit like blogging, Happy new Year, looking forward to seeing more of your amazing photos this year, cheers Katherine
Hi, Julie! I hope you have been enjoying the holidays. Happy new year! xoxo
Oh my friend...your images always amaze me. I have always heard that saying..."Once in a Blue Moon" but I have never seen one. I am so looking forward to your images of one. Take care my friend and hope all is well. Blessings for 2010. xoxoxo
I thought of you everytime my dear husband talked of the blue moon....he's a moony too. Loves that stuff and all things Nature. One of the things I love about him....don't tell him that though:)))
He called me the other night to look at it before the clouds covered it over but I didn't go....not sure why now:)) too lazy maybe or too tired. Now I regret it.
My computer has finally needed me to bring it in for repairs so I may be out of the blogging curcuit for a spell. Hopefully not too long!
Love your images as always Julie. Not sure how you get them looking so cool but glad one of us does!!!
:o) reminds me of the time I thought I saw a blue moon for real whilst driving my car- I got all excited and told the passengers to take a look at it.. I even got into an argument with them as they could not see it... until I realized I was looking through the blue tint at the top of the windscreen! stupid boy that I am/.
I soooo wanted to see our blue moon - and it decided to pour down with rain all night - torrents and torrents and bucket loads. The clouds refused to let the moon out - keeping her for themselves before sending her on her way to Australia. I may just yet take you up on the offer of Jan 30 - given that it's my daddy's birthday!! HAPPY NEW YEAR (again) Julie.
I swiped one of your stunning moon photos to upgrade my own blog on the same subject. Hope you don't mind! We all appreciate the beauty of your blog, still FEATURED on mine, so I look forward to another creative year with you.
I sure wish I could fly down under and experience an Aussie blue moon. Happy new year!
Those are the coolest images! Reminds me of photos of super novas I used to look at as a child. You do have such a fascinating blog, Julie. I absolutely love it!
Aww Julie I left a comment and it vanished somewhere, but just wanted to say that you always have the most amazing pictures on your blog and it has been a treat visiting your blog in 2009 and I look forward to more inspiration from this lovely blog in 2010 :)
Thanks for the heads up, I will be sure to look skyward on the 30th. Happy New Year, I look forward to more of your amazing pics in 2010.
G´day Lady?
Just dropping by from Stockholm to Sydney to wish you all the best of 2010.
God Bless and enjoy life to the fullest.
Hi Julie Happy New Year, we coudn't see the luner eclipse we had rain & a cloudy new years eve, still enjoyed seeing in 2010 with family & friends though. I'll be with you enjoying the blue moon 30th Jan lets hope its a clear night!! :)
What a beautiful blog! I look forward to coming back and following!
Happy New Year! Jeanne:)
It was another beautiful moon, wasn't it? I got up before dawn and watched this one for for a couple hours. :)
Have you seen the movie 'Moonstruck'?
happy happy new year to you....hope you had a wonderful holiday and many blessings to you in the new year... x pam
Julie, I hope that 2010 brings you more love, happiness and inspiration than you know what to do with! So looking forward to being a part of your blog world for another year.
Angela x
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