
I have a yearning to see those wonderful trees you'll find scattered throughout Italy. Strange and hauntingly beautiful trees whose impression silhouette the cliffside and cities they so elegantly embrace. Old souls that seem to outlast the whims and renovations of civilization.
You'll know your in Italy by the architecture, people and history. These trees will also remind you. I'm sure you'll find them elsewhere in the world, yet I only recall seeing them in Italy. I'm talking about the tree in the first photo. Gnarly, twisted with a canopy resembling a ladies' parasole. Little umbrellas for the creatures nesting below!
These images are photos I took in Taormina, Sicily. A quaint town hugging the cliffs of southern Sicily. Perhaps a little touristy, but even that has it's charm as the main thoroughfare is traffic free and lined with glamorous shops and restaurants. At night you can walk through the lanes and piazza and not feel out of place alone. The rest of the town is also taking their passeggiata! The only thing to be wary of is marriage proposals. I think the locals are keen on migrating!

Now I know you don't normally see pink on my blog, but these images just seemed to call for it. Which is a little strange in itself as my memory of Taormina recalls golden amber hues, dotted with touches of red. I'll share more photos of Taormina in a later non-pink post!! But for now... enjoy the trees and a little touch of pink!


IMAGE SOURCE: Taormina, Sicily. Photos and editing by me [Being Ruby]
It's just the palest blush of pink Julie!...and very beautiful. I have a longing to see those special trees again as well. Thanks for letting me see them through your eyes!
Take care my friend
But can't comment much...
Have a sore elbow...
It hurts to use right arm/hand...
Oh Julie,
Just when I think that you couldn't possibly beat your last photograph, you come up with these amazing ones.
Pink does not feature heavily in my life but, that photograph certainly is enhanced by that rosy hue. That is one gorgeus photograph..... and I know what you mean about the trees in Italy. I actually took a beautiful photograph in Sorrento of the same trees and, it must have been the same time of day, as it also has that beautiful pink blush to it.
Another wonderful glimpse into the travels of Ruby (Julie) !! XXXX
One of the most complex, gorgeous, sad, tragic, melancholy, & wondrous places ever. Sicilia.
Buona, cara Julie.
I really like the tinge of pink - it gives the photos such delicacy. I'm sitting here imagining all the marriage proposals being bandied about like Hellos, adding to the general courtesy and charm so long as the refusals were elaborately courtly.
Hey Mise
You'd be surprised, I had three marriage proposals in one evening.. haha
Of course I politely said No...hehe
Trees with this kind of character grow at timberline here - pointing in the direction the winds have taken them. But there isn't anyone crazy enough to stay up there long enough to propose marriage. :)
Love the soft tint of pink!
I just love your photos, Julie. They remind me of all the missed opportunities for taking pictures during my 3 plus years in Europe. Of course, most of the time I didn't even have a camera, but when I did, I tended not to use it. Didn't want anyone to think I was a tourist! I wasn't as I lived there, but what a silly reason for not taking advantage of the beauty surrounding me. I guess I will just have to go back at some point and take all those pictures I missed. Anyway, lovely tree pictures. I have a thing for trees and have had an idea for a project involving photos of trees for years now. Maybe this will be the inspiration I need to get my bum in gear!
You must look very marriage worthy!!! Italian men love a pretty girl... Hmm -with those great trees, why do they want to get out of Sicily so much. Maybe it's because they wanted to keep you there! Yes, I think so! And Laura's right. It's just a blush. Like when someone asks for your hand in marriage ;-)
OooOOooh Julie. You are so speaking my language - The old and towering cedars, cypress and olive trees -- knotted, ancient and yes, hauntingly beautiful. Visual food for the soul. You should put a book out, seriously.
xo Isa
So gorgeous. We have good friends who visited Italy for the first time last year. They are changed forever!
Thanks so much for your kind comment about my story for the competition. It meant a lot.
I love that bush pink. One of my favorite of all colors.
Ah the trees of Italy! So timeless in their beauty and so unique. Your photos conjur up so memories for me... bliss!
Have a fantastic weekend xx
Great images Julie.The pink tone in the light reminds me beautiful sunset at the Mediterranean sea. Good choise for the color.
Have a happy weekend,
Julie I visted there also, Sicily is so beautiful.
Lemon trees galore. Thanks for sharing your travels.. the other Julie in HOlland..:)
Ever since a was s small child trees have always spoken to me. I love them.
So gorgeous...you "pink" which barely is there, really brightens up the photos. Thank you for once again taking me somewhere I will never see.
great trees! I loved the olive trees in spain!
ahhh *sigh*
i was there. i remember it so well. especially the proposal, but mine was an hour on the beach, not a whole marriage. i said yes, cuz he was really cute but i didnt end up going bcuz i was with my mom...hehe
what a beautiful place tho !!!
great pics ruby
Ciao Julie! Your postcards from Sicily are stunning with their touch of pink! I'm always speechless seeing your photos! You can show in a so charming way images from my country! Thank you!!!
Happy week end and take care!
JulieRuby, oooh, yes, such gorgeous forms. thanks so much for the divine silhouettes of a most beautiful landscape and for stirring memories of my visit to Italy.
Sicily is one place in Italy that I haven't been yet. Definitely one day.
Oh, Julie, those are some heart stopping photod. The pale pink tones give the landscapes a dream-like quality that touches the soul. Another beautiful posting from the hand of a poet!
Oh, Julie. I agree with Pam's comment above..."from the hand of a poet". This post is just exquisite. I've not yet had the opportunity to travel overseas and have developed a deep love of anything Italian or French. Your posts are like a glimpse into a beautiful dream. I know we'll get there one day, but in the meantime, I'm very contented to view Italy through your eyes. I'm sure you'll be approached by a publisher to assemble a book of all your photographic delights.
I hope you've had a good week with plenty of time for good food and friends. Meredy xo.
Those Italian men sure live up to the Latin Lover stereotype. Ciao Bella at every turn! soooo funny! I was just going to tell you that I couldn't see your pictures but they just came up. Those trees are amazing. I wonder if they only grow in that climate? Very gnarly! I'm more jealous of the italian cypress they can grow there....too cold for them here!
There is surtenly something special about the trees in italy...
I´ve been to Italy 3 or 4 times ,but never to the island...Sicilia...
That´s another trip I would love to make some day.
Right now, I´m planning Iceland. Do you know anything about Iceland? Have you been there?
Have a nice friday, Julie.
And thank you for sharing your gorgeous photos.
Hi Julie, Happy New Year. I can really feel the texture of the bark on the trees in these pics. Amazing photos..bella!! (Yes that's the limit of my Italian haha) Have a lovely weekend, cheers Katherine
Hi Julie (I keep going to call you Ruby when coming here ha ha)...stunningly beautiful images of Sicilian trees...especially with the pink. I love what you do to the pics...Have a lovely weekend...Dzintra♥x
this is so pretty.
i have never been.
i guess i need to go.
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