Hi Everyone ...
Little Miss Flu Head Here...
I'd love to share some wonderfully clever insights with you about the naughty naughty moon and the crazy stormy weather she has brought this week.. I'd love to tell you that I was up before the sun to watch the total eclipse of the moon in the wee hours of the morning ... But No... The flu has it's own agenda and all I can manage is these few quick shots I caught before that naughty naughty moon hid herself behind the storm clouds she's been hanging out with ...
It's been one of those weeks that brought both good news and bad... Perhaps that is the duality of an eclipse... but my hope is.. wherever you are.. that good news comes knocking on your door.. and that you are home to welcome it in!!! Meanwhile I'm taking my flu back to bed!!
Have A Lovely Week Everyone
And Enjoy This Stormy Full Moon Season

Original Photography & Artwork [BeingRuby©]
Location: Sydney Australia
Hope the bad news is not too dreadful Julie? The moon didn't show here until very late.
Pure Magic!
Really gorgeous photos......
stay warm Julie! :)
Hi Julie - So hope you feel better soon. Your photos are beautiful. Naughty or not, the moon is presenting some wonderful photo ops. Thank you for sharing these even when you are down. Been away lately but happy to see what you've been up to. Adore the Kim Klassen texture photos you posted before! Take care. ~ Angela
Being sick sucks!...I'm amazed you were able to make a post at all!...but i really needed that alert on the full moon...I'm in bed so early these days that I could have slept right through it...never heard about the eclipse at all! Two weeks until we move and the cleaning, packing thing has taken over my life. It's stormy here too....the sun is much more elusive than the moon. To the moon, Little Miss Flu Head, to the moon....GET BETTER!
Hey Ruby...what a beautiful full moon tonight she was...the ocean was glistening! Better send that cold on its way...if you have a look on my food blog, www.dzintrasdolcevita.blogspot.com there is a recipe for Flu Juice which works...Take care and hope you're better soon...Dzintra
I am sorry you are under the weather. That flu is some bad stuff!
As always, these are beautiful images. Must be wonderful to live in such a beautiful place. Jealous - it is cold there. It is 100 here. Uh.
Have a better week.
Buongiorno Julie! I hope you are feeling better. No luck here in So Cal. We waited for the moon to appear...where? Il mare, le onde very much appreciated. Your photography is beautiful. Ciao Rita
Hi Julie,
This a wonderful sight when the moon remembers me the beach in which I spend my summers vacations .... so nearby already.
I hope that you are well and spending a lovely week,
I knew you would have some stunning pictures! Now go back to bed and get better!!
I’m sick too! coughing, sore throat...grrrr. awful!
Love your photos as usual...honey moon..I’ll look at it tonight...
Oh no, poor Pamela over at "The House of Edward" blog is in bed with a cold too. I'll tell you what I told her for a remedy :
Hot lemon, honey and a wee dram of whiskey, hunny, whishky, hot melon, wheeeshkey, more lunny, more wiksey, etc etc - Works for me!
Get well soon my dear.
Dianne :-)
I love the thought of a Rose Moon. Watched the eclipse yesterday. It was beautiful. No pics though - my battery died on me :(
lovely shots julie. i recognise where they are taken. hope you are well again soon!
cheryl xx
oh dear Julie, really hope you get better soon...being sick is no fun :(
love these images, they are magical :))
Take care,
Claudia xo
be well soon <3
Feel better. We didn't get to see the eclipse where I live. Saw the full moon, though.
Enjoyed the photos.
Oh dearest, soooooo sorry to hear that you have the FLU...that can be very draining. Since I work with children, I get a flu shot EVERY YEAR and since then, I no longer even get colds! YOUR PHOTOS are unbelievable. You are the GODDESS OF THE MOON!!! Your photos really are the best I have ever seen of the moon and sea. LOVELY...sending you wishes for a happy day, under the covers with tea. Anita
Oh, poor Julie...you and Pamela suffering in bed at the same time~~you with a winter flu, she with a summer cold. Same crap.
You're a brave girl, getting a moon post up in spite of your illness! Hope you're feeling better soon.
I've been too busy to notice the moooony moon. We've been moving my daughter and her family into a larger home and they have TOO MUCH STUFF!!! Back breaking work and I'm so glad it's over...went out and got a back massage yesterday...feeling better.
Hope you do too. SOOON.
Big hugs reaching around the globe,
Julie these are GORGEOUS!!! You did very well even with flu head. ;)
I truly hope that you are feeling better and whatever news you received this week I hope that the good outweighed the bad.
Hugs to you!
Julie, these photos are amazing. I was happy to see them, assuming you were feeling much better. If you can do work like this with the flu, you are a force to be reckoned with. Hope you've sent that flu on it's way and you're feeling much better now.
Thank you even more for your sweet comment - I didn't realize you were still feeling so bad. And yeah, The World card - I can see that for you. Much better choice!
Big Hugs, hope you're feeling much better this weekend.
never mind dear Ruby,in August you will catch two moons in our sky(Martes and the moon side by side)...it will be something never to be seen again for another 870 years!!
Get better from you flu dear friend.
PS: amazing images!!
Fabulous photos! I hope you're feeling better now! Take care! ♥
It's been awhile since I stopped in....
But you still amaze me!
Have a fantastic week.. my ever so talented friend!
Good morning Julie! Thank you for your visit ! I am sitting here in my writing cubby which is actually a closet. I love this space, however, since we are in summer mode here, little creepy and crawly creatures start to come out and I JUST SPOTTED A HUGE AND GROSS CENTIPEDE, so I AM RUNNING OUT OF HERE!!!! CIAO BELA MY SWEET! Anita
wow, that is one intense moon !!!
hoping you are well
~laura xx
Hi Julie! I hope you're feeling better now. We couldn't see the eclipse here so I missed it too. I love your photos, I can almost see the waves coming ashore! Feel better:) Jennifer
wishing you well dear friend... so sorry you are not feeling well... these photos are so lovely... loving the moon..... such a gift... xoxo
Your few quick shots are absolutely beautiful; I've never seen wetter, more compelling water. I hope the tide sweeps away the pesky bad news.
Julie if only I could send you a vat of chicken noodle soup but I can send you get well wishes. I'm just sorry that you were hit with the flu. Your photos though make me always feel better. I hope you feel better and fast.
Big hug to you my friend xx
Kick your flu OUT. Don't take it to bed!! Damn, now what's the good news?
Love to you Julie
i so hope you are feeling better, Julie! when I see your photos I feel much better. Thanks for the inspiration! warm hugs
Wow!! amazing shots Julie, xx Coty
love the snaps as usual, always know i am in for inspiration julie...amazing!
love the look, font, well everything.
i know a great cure for the flu; jump on a plane, come here, you will 'sweat it out'
ps; thanks for your comment on my blog. had to look up frangipani.....sounded like an italian desert......a flower! never heard of it
take care julie
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