Inspired By
I haven't put up an 'inspired by' post in a long time so thought I'd share with you some of what I'm dreaming about these days.. Little Miss Flu Head is still taking up residence over this way.. though.. fingers crossed I might have her packing very soon.. Actually what I'd really like is to have Little Miss Flu Head stay behind in Sydney and send myself packing instead... If only Hawaii was situated on the flight path between Australia and Europe I'd plan my perfect holiday.. Although.. Thailand is not too shabby I think..
It's funny what can inspire travel.. A simple full bloomed rose with a palm tree backdrop has me thinking of Hawaii.. Add the vintage tins from a french brocante and now I'm dreaming of Indochina or the French countryside.. Of course a travel dream wouldn't be a travel dream without some Italy thrown in.. and the Blue Lady you ask? I just love her.. Perhaps a little restrained.. though I can imagine she is about to embark on a transatlantic crossing upon a stately ship from a bygone era.. By the time she reaches her destination.. the sea will have tossled her hair and relaxed her smile and I do believe there will be a sparkle in those sad blue eyes.. I think she looks happier just at the prospect.. .. [of course all those years of frowning it will take some work]. Maybe I'll call her 'Dorianne Blue' ......

Now Before I Go
I'd like to make some belated thanks to two lovely bloggers who recently passed awards my way:
It's always a pleasure to visit their blogs and I hope you'll do so too ...
[where you'll find tons of decor inspiration]
Have A Lovely Week
And whatever part of the world you wake up in.. I hope the sun is shining for you...

Image Source & Credits
Roses & French Vintage Tins, Anacapri, Italy & Palm Tree, Phuket:
Original photography & artwork [BeingRuby©]
[vintage tins from My French Country Brocante]
Blue Lady: Original image from Soulful Adornments
A little Less Blue Lady: Alterations [Being Ruby©]
Dearest beautiful Julie,
I am so sorry to hear that you have the flu. I hope you do get better quickly.
Sorry I havent' been over for a while, no excuses! just life's been a bit busy with family stuff!
Sending lots of love and hugs my friend,
xxxxxxxx Coty
Oh Julie, so sorry to hear you're still not feeling well. I think you're just so intriguing that the flu bug has decided to take up residence. It's time that this flu flies away...and you head in the opposite direction. I can truly feel your overwhelming desire to travel. I hope it happens soon for you.
Your photography and artwork is so breathtakingly beautiful. Your photographs of pink roses are beyond comparison...and of course you had to put in those French tins to totally drive me over the edge. And if that wasn't enough the gorgeous photo of Anacapri, Italy is just not fair. Now I absolutely want to go there too. Now.
This is such a beautiful post that you even got The Blue Lady to feel better and start to smile. I hope the coming weekend does the same for you. Sending you a big hug. Next time I really want to hear you're feeling much better.
Lovely Julie! If only we could just paint a smile on our faces when feeling a bit blue...Hoping your flu bug disappears very soon and that your travel plans turn into a dream come true! :)
Blue and Pink: you are speaking my language! Beautiful, beautiful, with a touch of faded grandeur about them, as though they were deserving of being viewed accompanied by a particurly good wine with a stylish label. You should design wine labels!
Good morning dearest Julie! Well, you certainly know how to chase away anything undesirable for your images always connote an air of joy. Many thanks to you for all the beauty you give me every time I come here. So gorgeous in texture and hues and the love behind them all.
PEACE and many hugs, Anita
oh you poor baby!!!
i am sorry you have been sick!
great, creative post.
some of my favourites there, i'm a lover of pink and blue. hope you're feeling well soon!
thanks so much for the lovely mention!
cheryl x
Julie, Julie,Julie,
Drink lots of tea and honey,get lots of rest. That Lady in blue made me think "Winsor", but she was never that good lookin. If I win the lotto, I;ll send a ticket to Maine.
NOW!!!Yesterday I was so blue they called me to pick up my Mr. Wonderful's ashes. I went to the post Office (vert small) where everyone mets. BEHOLD A PACKAGE FROM
AUSTRAULIA. Well even the Post master was curious. I said it's my blogging buddy she sent me a gift.
Met the girls for lunch and opened the package, Boy what a pro wraping job. Every one loved your photography. I am looking for a frame. Julie You made a sad day a happy one. LOVE the Bette Davis Moon.
thanks so much, for being so kind and caring. yvonne
Hello from here, Miss Julie. I hope the flu finally leaves soon. Very pretty images, as always. I'm doing lots of virtual travelling, too. I keep thinking if I plan it, it will happen. That always worked before.
Oh no! Having the flu is such a drag! I hope you feel better real quick.
On another note, I bet your house is so gorgeous. I just absorb every single photo and story of its contents.
Hugs to you. Feel better!
so lovely Julie!....thank you for sharing these images...smiles.
well the sun shone yesterday!...back to rain today...I'm ready to go on that holiday with you if the weather doesn't pick up soon....So old flu head...time to get better and get to that holiday! .....such a lovely painting...I always find your inspiration inspiring! The blue lady looks so vulnerable.........The palm tree is calling..........get better soon and have fun on the weekend! best, susan
I am so sorry that Little Miss Flu Head is still staying with you. I think that that is a great idea to leave her behind and go on a vacation. Your images are beautiful as is your tale of Dorianne Blue. :)
Feel better soon!!
I love Dorianne. Perfect name.
Julie, These images are gorgeous. The image of the mountain is SO spectacular.
I hope that you feel better soon, and you are welcome! You deserved it!
Have a great week.
Gorgeous photos love! The palm tree one reminds me of those vintage prints of the south pacific ... love it ... I would print it out and frame it! Hope you're soon on the mend!
Julie, your pictures here are sooooo pretty, especially the rose one - full of poetry - and i believer - self healing powers ;) I bet that, very soon you'll be up and running again! Best wishes, M.
The sun is shining ... and scorching our skin. I guess we'll try to make the most of it. You've shared some Lovely inspirations.
Oooh, I could use a little of that sunshine you refer...we've had nothing but rain, rain, rain. I think I'm getting that disease called SAD...when you get a depression from being sun-deprived.
The flu....we hate that! Poor you. Even when you're feeling under the weather, you manage to post the most beautiful things:) Hope you feel better very soon my friend. Thanks for the travel inspiration...I'll remind myself of it over the next three weeks of school holidays!! Meredy xo
Sending you strength and health though the energy waves )()()()(
all the way across the world...!
Bye bye flu bug!
As always.....it is stunning here.....get well and please stay well.
Julie, hoping flu leaves soon! Here, the sun is providing 100+ degree temps...way overdone! your images are lovely, especially fond of the pink floral and pastel containers...gorgeous...
well, i am stressing a bit becasue I might not be travelling for a while. Great shots!
Your images are beautiful and truly inspirational...
thank you for sharing :)
Hope you get rid of the flu once and for all dear Julie.
Have a great weekend-at least the weather is nice and the temperature is up a bit!
Claudia xo
Julie such lovely images I adore the portrait. Sorry I have not commented for awhile!! Feel better!
Art by Karena
Dearest...get well, and take that step...whatever it is. YOU will not regret the choice to go for your dreams or whatever it is you must do. May you have peace in your heart. THANK YOU FOR VISITING ME!!! Anita
Beautiful collection and all images are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing this inspirational post.
Julie, so sorry to hear you're still not feeling well. sending love
p.s.: the photos are beyond wonderful!
Hi Julie, please get better soon and make a full recovery my dear. I am loving this post as pink is my fav colour! PS: I didnt move, I just had a guest blogger whilst I was overseas. xx
Travel dreams. Can't think of a better way to spend one's time. Hope you feel better soon.
It's funny...but I woke up in a new world! We traveled from FL to NC and I haven't adjusted quite yet! Love your post and the links to these blogs! The Beachcomber is one of my favs! ♥
So sorry you have fluhead! At least you still have your sense of humor.
I love those lovely little french tins. So pretty! I want to get me some of those!
As always your photos are dreamy and they transport me back in time.
I love these little journeys.
Heartstopping images. Just heartstopping. Oh dear, I hope you feel better soon. A-M xx
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