Hi everyone and welcome to installment three of
.. 'I Wish I Was Still In Normandy'..
Well the votes are in and the majority of you asked to see more Normandy.. Your wish is my command.. Actually you also asked to see more brocante, but as I warned earlier my shots of the actual brocante stalls are a little scarce.. Not sure what happened there.. other than being distracted by Sharon's bartering skills.. but it turns out that the only post worthy shot is this above.. Religious paraphernalia displayed on the iron fence bordering the grounds.. I do believe this was the first shot at the first brocante of the day... and from there on.. my shots seem to be only the surrounding countryside.. Perhaps I was a little shy of getting in their faces or of being so conspicuously a tourist!! [i think my clothing and camera gave that away!!].... So although I have no shots of the stalls.. I do however have shots of the gorgeous countryside I was presented with ..
Take the first shot for instance.. currently rated as #1 in my favourites of Normandy [of course my favorites change on a daily basis!] ... I was taking a little brocanting break from all that overwhelming bargain-fest of vintage goodness .. just soaking in the atmosphere when I noticed this sweet stone cottage .. just the type you would imagine you would see in 'Deepest Normandy' and just waiting for me to take a shot.. So I did.. Now the thing about getting one's best shot is one has to get themselves into a best shot taking crouch ... That in itself can be a little embarrassing somewhere tourists aren't the norm and people are just getting on with their day to day lives.. So when I crouched down to get the angle I was after.. I do believe people were a little amused at what the crazy tourist was doing taking shots of grass.. The only tourist of the day I think.. But you know .. I think it was worth it.. The result is shot #1 above.. and the 1st shot of the altered images.. Old Stone Cottage vs New Build.. Both have their charm with their angled rooflines... Something one doesn't see so much in Australia, given that we are not prone to snow falls in most parts of our country.
Normandy is many things for me.. and I don't think one shot can encapsulate all it's beauty.. The lush green gardens and foliage .. Or the golden hues of freshly harvested fields ... And pinwheels of haystacks strangely dotting the soft rolling hills leaving the impression that they were having a wow of a time and throwing themselves down the hills like small children at play.. Then there are the flowers.. gorgeous flowers, wild or cultivated, even the weeds became part of my portfolio.. [more to show at a later date]... So although one cannot sum it up in even one post.. The first shot does match my 'imagined Normandy' ... my mental image before I set foot on her lush fertile soils..
Well.. I still haven't mentioned the skies!!! The big huge never ending expanses of sky!! Skies that hang above as if placed there by an artist... The sky-writers knew it!! Knew of her opulent grandness and were often out criss-crossing her expanse and partaking in a game or two of heavenly noughts and crosses.. [again more shots to come at a later date]..
To appease you of the lack of brocante.. I can tell you I am working on a post of my ill-gotten gains.. and Sharon has recently put up her weekly loot-shoot [here] .. This week is a beauty!!! so pop over and check it out.. After you've finished admiring my shots of course!!!
Next Destination
As I sit here and write this in draft.. Yet another vote has come in for Normandy.. So next post? Who knows? It might be Paris.. or it might be more Normandy.. or I may even surprise us with something else. I am yet to upload all my pics.. Still in disk space scarcity mode so uploading piecemeal at present.. Which means.. I still haven't seen all my shots myself!! Heaven forbid!!
Have A Wonderful Week Everyone
& once again thanks to all those readers and commenters who are hanging in there with me after my long absence.. I'm sorry if I haven't visited you yet.. Pop in and remind me!!
You're The Best Followers A Girl Could Have!!!
[i was paid to say that!! haha.. No.. of course NOT]

ALL Text, Photography & Artwork [copyright beingRuby©]
Julie - can I say how very much I do not want to look at Normandy - it just makes me so green with envy I can't help but sigh, sigh, sigh.
Wish I could crawl into that computer of yours and look at the thousands of photos I know you took !
I can't say welcome back - i can just say I wish you were there :)
(I know you know what I mean)
beautiful. i love the first shot as well. paris next?! xox
Hi Julie
Beautiful shots. I understand the difficulty in taking pictures at the brocante, somehow the vendors are suspect and, like you said, one does not want to appear too touristy nor vulgar nor disrespectful of the venue.
The crucifixes say it all.
I will be happy with whatever you post, your images are always so wonderful
Just lovely! Every single shot. Your eye for detail is amazing. Loving all your photos as usual and can't wait for whatever you decide next! :)
What a shame Julie we didn't get more of the fairs - what were we thinking of !!?
Lovely memories, especially when I think of you crouching down to take that first shot, and the elderly couple next to me whispering to each other "have you seen that woman? taking pictures of weeds!!"
happy days!
i'm in love with all your pictures and normandy is on my travel wishlist.. good to hear from you again and it's always good to come back to see your blog.
sending you hugs from milan,
OMG, I don't think I could stand not seeing all of the pictures already!
It's fun to travel with my 6'4" husband- he manages to get shots so high up that no one even knows he's taking a photo! I laughed when you talked about crouching to get into the right space! I swallow my pride and go for it!
Hi Julie, beautiful, beautiful shots of your visit to Sharon's stunning home and surrounding countryside. I have not popped over to see you for some time, apologies, my loss, I had not realised you were off gallivanting round Europe! Next time let me know and perhaps you can visit us here in 'The Pyrenees' or 'Deepest France' as we call it. Cant wait to see and hear about the rest of your trip, through your unique eye.
Julie these are gorgeous! All of your photos are just breath-taking! You are too funny, I always do that too, I shy from taking pictures in fear of looking like a tourist even though I very much am. :) I love the garden and what an amazing guest house to stay. You must have had the most amazing and relaxing time. I am so happy that you were able to take this trip.
Thank you so much for sharing and I can't wait to see more. :)
The thick, ripe grain in the foreground feels so end of summer...i can almost smell the hay!...perfect timing for a trip to Normandy!...the harvest is such a bountiful season....and your bounty is wonderful!
Your photography skills get better by the day! I keep thinking that these images can't get any better, but they do.
I love the crosses and the grain especially.
Have a wonderful week.
I have to say it, paid to or not (which I am most definitely NOT)--your blog is simply the best I've seen. Yup. In every way.
Keep up the good play!
(and thanks so much for visiting my humble blog @ ragzedge). :-)
Ciao for now,
Lynne (louciao) xo
These are so beautiful! Share whatever you will - I love it all!
I am loving this journey you're taking us on. I am sure that I will find anything you post interesting - whether it's Paris or Normandy. Or somewhere else.
Julie, another beautiful post! Completely. I love the two shots of the hay bales. Both very different shots. Both very beautiful. I also love the close up shot of the field with the Queen Anne's Lace.
I enjoyed your comments on how much of a point of interest you were while taking photos. I didn't think there was a place left on earth where people would think crouching down to photograph something was unusual! Wow!
Now that you're back, I've realized just how very much I missed you. Normandy, Paris, Rome, Whatever! No worries. Your photos and stories are always worth waiting for. Thank You!!!
nice 100%
Julie - just to let you know that I'm traveling vicariously through you. Your photos are truly amazing and I just want to fall right into them. Thank you for continuing to share your travels with us. Is it your job that takes you all over the world....? Or do you just enjoy traveling? :)
xoxo laurie
Hi Julie! How are you my friend?
Fantastic images as always, this is top stuff :)
Have a fantastic week
Looking forward to more great pics
Claudia xo
TO think that there are places in the world that look like a fairytale....so perfect my dear, Anita
What a place to love!
I am overwhelmed with the beauty!!
your site and postings draw me into your perfectness :)
you blow mw away with your snaps /
fantastic photography.
Yes I will agree scrouging down to get photos of the grass were well worth it. I have gotten some strange looks at times too. The dslr always makes them think we're some kind of pro or something.
Can't wait to see what you bought.
Stunning, you make the ordinary look extra ordinary!
Wonderful shots Julie....I am sure you had an amazing time....xv
Wonderful rusticity in these shots. Normandy is so fabulous. I lived in Valle de Loire, not far from Normandy and used to do weekend trips.
I can't believe you are so close to Sweden. Do come on up if you have time. I'd love to stroll around Stockholm with you!
xx Charlotta
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