In The Garden
The second installment from Normandy is a few shots taken in and around Sharon's Pretty Garden... My secret garden... My answer to Monet's Garden as I didn't manage to make it to Giverny.. [slacker that I am] ..
I have so many shots of the gardens surrounding the cottage and house, that it was tough to try and limit it to these few hand selected shots, chosen for your viewing pleasure!!! As typical of Sharon, it is the little details that one can find here and there that made it so special for me.. as you know .. I'm a detail girl.. so the smattering of Brocante on windowsills and door stoops made my stay all the more pleasant.. Especially considering some of that Brocante followed me home. Australia Post is wondering what I've been up to!!! Don't worry.. I left some Brocante there for you too!!!
Speaking of Brocante.. I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint some people.. I've been rummaging through my shots of our Brocanting Trip Into Deepest Normandy.. and found I have very few of the actual Brocantes.. I think I was too distracted with the wares laid out before me to remember to take shots.. But there are plenty of the surrounding countryside.. as beautiful as you can imagine.. and enough of my own treasures and the subsequent 'Loot Shoot' as Sharon would say.. to hopefully fulfill your need for Brocante envy...
It's going to be tough deciding what to put up next.. Should I move on to Paris with the next post? I can always come back later to Normandy and the 'Brocanting Trip Into Deepest Normandy'.... With so many shots I think the chronological thing might bring me undone... Not to mention I've almost filled my Picasa Albums [ooops.. some cleanup is required!] ....
What do you think guys? What would YOU like to see next?
Have A Lovely Weekend Y'All
Thank You to all who have been visiting and leaving such lovely comments.. And HI to my new followers. I've been home a week and only just now starting to catch up with everyone's blogs.. It's a slow process so still making the rounds. Meanwhile, I hope this post allows you to imagine you are in Normandy.
Even just for a minute!

ALL Text, Photography & Artwork [copyright beingRuby©]
PS The little white 'statue things' are the latches to hold back the French Shutters!!!
How Cute!
How Cute!
WOW these photos are gorgeous. I especially love the 10th photo which I think is of a Dahlia. I'd love to paint it, (I paint in oils), it would be for my own enjoyment as I don't sell my work. If you'd rather I didn't, I completely understand. There are just some things I see that inspire me to paint.
Thank you so much for sharing,
Anne xx
such beauty julie!!! love them all especially the dahlia! , the bottles and the one of the whole gorgeous garden.
So gorgeously summer. I love the muted greens and pinks. Love the shots with the close focus/narrow depth of field. I love them all. Wow. And that crazy green/green tree! That tree is a world of it's own. I also love the little white statue things. And the flowers. ALL the flowers. Did I mention the shot with the green bottles? Nice!
P-A-R-I-S. (Pretty Please?)
hey julie, don't go to paris yet, so enjoying these normandy bits. sharon must be loving these photo's of her garden seen through your eyes
Brocante please, I am not ready for Paris yet either. I am really enjoying these.
Unbelievable photos! Her attention to detail, that lovely garden and your ability to focus in on all that lusciousness (is that a word?)....sigh...love it!
BROCANTE and loot shoot puleeze!!!
I love your eye, Julie. One needs to be trained to see tiny details like you do. Our benefit!
Let's see, I'd also love to see more of Normandy... and Versailles after that? ;]
Dearest, this is splendid.....Anita
Brocante, please. What does the word "brocante" mean in English? I'm feeling the inference of flea market, antiques...but what, exactly, is a Brocante?
These are gorgeous pictures, Julie! I feel like I stepped into the garden myself. I would expect nothing less from Sharon. Just beautiful. Is that wisteria I see?
Following along, breathing in all the deliciousness and waiting for the next installment. <3
Sooooooooo pretty dear Julie, well captured and special! Happy weekend!
Thank you Julie, I'm seriously thinking of having you move in as permanent stylist and PR !
Love the pictures of the shutter latches, even with the rust!
So much beauty in your pictures. I just wanted to be there in real time, to Walk among all the details that you capture in the pic. Lovely, thanks for inspiration!
Have a blessing weekend :)
Sharon, thank you for mentioning 'the shutter latches'. I was so intrigued by these and could not imagine what they were! Your home is so lovely. Picture perfect. You've created a masterpiece of warmth and charm.
Beautiful shots you've captured!
Im now following you in friendship (purehunnybee)
Felt so sirene just from looking at your photos I can only imagine how peaceful it was in real life.
YOu can jump around or go in order. I know how hard sorting thru photos can be. It's all good.
Oh my! Just absolute gorgeousness! Thank you!
m ^..^
Stunning and breathtaking photos, Sharon. I felt like I was right there behind the camera. :) I would love to see more pics of the gardens and the house where you stayed. I have always dreamed of visiting the French countryside, and I love dreaming about it while I look through your beautiful photos. ♥
xoxo laurie
Wow. I am just catching up!!! I adored Normandy when I visited, such a beautiful part of France.
Your images are so gorgeous. I love all the details too!!! LOL don't go crazy then I would love to see Paris through your lens xox
brocante, brocante, brocante.....whatever it is....show us....(i think i want some too!)
Lovely! Yes, if even for a minute it is nice to pretend I'm in Normandy....thank you! Post whatever suits your fancy, it's all beautiful!
Lovely, as always. I leave it to you as to the next post. I came over, though, to hector you into sending some shots to La Lettre de Photographie. I do that post & no one says, "yes I am going to submit to them." Aieee.
Lovely and beautiful pictures Julie. I can't wait to see what you post about Spain.
Lovely shots of a lovely place. I wish you'd gone to Giverny. My husband longs to go and I think I would love it too. I adore Monet's paintings.
Love the tree trunk! I would like to see food!
Just beautiful Julie! My favorite has to be that sweet little stone barn and the beauty surrounding it. I dream of these things! Sharon's garden must be serenity for you. I don't think there's anything more soothing than a turn in a beautiful garden.
sending hugs from here...
Dear Julie
These images of your stay at Sharon's place are absolutely wonderful
I would love to see more of this area before your journey on to Gay Paris- but Paris is also fine if that works for you.
Hope you are getting over your jet lag
Hey Julie...superb, I especially like the pic of the tree (3rd down)it's just beautiful!!! Would love to see more...especially Paris...but you knew that didn't you ha ha!!!
Oh your photos are delicious! I think I will stay and study. I love your technique and point of view. Lovely.
Exquisite! Thanks for the beautiful virtual vacation in Normandy. Your photos are beautiful!
Julie, I'm in awe. You have such talent, my friend. All the photos are absolutely stunning.
Glad you made it back safe and sound. Now, I'm waiting to hear all about your fabulous trip!
Blogging has INDEED brought out our interests and talents, has it not my dear? I am so glad YOU came to that decision to start showing your art because it is truly beautiful....Anita
I love it when you share your beautiful vision of the world with us! And how lucky you are to visit with Sharon at her beautiful home. Welcome back, darling!
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