
Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.
Groucho Marx.
Dear Little Miss Versailles ..
A Little Birdie told me it is your birthday this coming Monday
I'm getting in early to wish you a 'Happy Birthday Weekend'
Filled with Love and Happiness and all the best birthdays can bring!
and lots of Funny Little Valentines!!

Happy Birthday Renee From Your Blogging Pals !!!
This weekend YOU get the cigar!!
IMAGE SOURCE: google search
Many Happy Returns of the day, Renee.
I wish her the most wonderful day EVER. XXXX
Hey Julie, What a lovely gal pal you are and who would not want to be wished a happy birthday by none other than the Marx boys...don't get me started on my Zippo fantasies.What is it about Grouchos jokes that never age. Definetly 4 people you'd want to have to a birthday dinner. I hope Renee has a lovely day....Happy Birthday, cheers Katherine
Julie, you're the best...making posts especially for us! (thanks for the birdie post) You have the most fun ideas and the technical skills to accomplish them. It's always such a joy and a laugh or two every time I visit.Grazie!
P. S. Happy Birthday, Renee
i can't believe this!!!!!
how did you know i love him!!!!
(and i love you)
thanks a lot!!!!
i am tearing up and heading to work now, with one long black mascara streak on my right eye and cheek.
no worries though...
i carry a suitcase of makeup with me at all times.
and yes, it has wheels.
i love you xxxxx
i will write you later
gotta gotta get to work or i am dead.
Fantastic, She will flip when she see's this.
What a great post, The Cigar is tooo much...
Thanks from myself and Dog..
The hunt for Renée continues ;-) First Millie's blog, now yours!! NOW I know who she is. Quick, cheer her up for her birthday - with that hideous person she has to work for, the poor woman needs lots of words of love and cheer! So here are some from me too ...HAPPY BIRTHDAY RENEE! Keep going in to work looking so stunning - the Boss is jealous!
She is a fave, That Renee! And as far as the cigar....I can see the burns on her boss's face already!
I gave her a birthday note on my post too!
"these are my principles, if you don't like them i have others." -- classic. happy b-day to renee, of course, but i offer a cigar of solidarity to you as well, julie! thx. for the well-wishes! -Jg.
How sweet is that!?
Julie....Renee is a lucky girl to have you! Too funny as usual! You always have a way of brightening my day!
xo.....Happy Valentines Day!
Hey,I'll drink to that. Happy Birthday Renee
i left you a comment this morning before i left for work.
what happened?
i must say one thing, "you get me!"
this is hilarious, you are hilarious for doing it.
i thank you from the bottom of my heart.
i wish i were close enough to give you a great big hug.
xxx me love you
your so lovely Julie, what a nice post, you make me smile too, I loved the Groucho brothers used to love watching them as a kid, must go & meet Renee now ;)
Happy weekend! , Looks like a share a birthday with a pretty great lady ... Happy Birhtday Renee!
the other Julise in HOlland ;) x
Dear Julie [In Holland]
Is it your birthday too on Monday??? Happy Birthday dear Julie.. I hope the day brings you much joy and happiness... xxx Julie [In Australia]
Renée, with Julie and Jacqueline on your team, you must be one wonderful woman. I'm off to visit you, wearing my best hat, and (wait for it) my GLOVES. I accord very few people the honour of gloves.
Thank You, Julie.............. I was in a hurry this morning my typing on that last post was terrible! hahah...... Julie in Holland... Have a great week! xxx
You're so sweet, Julie! Happy Birthday, Renee!
This time I am severely late to the party. This post is fabulous, I'm a huge fan of the Marx brothers & Renee is one lady that has a great sense of humor. Love it Julie. Hoping Renee loved all her fabulous birthday wishes xx
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