Le Tour 2011
Congratulations to Cadel Evans
The first Australian to win Le Tour de France in the 108 years of it's history... Twice a bridesmaid in 2nd place he finally won the big one! ... Congrats also to the Schleck brothers and Thomas Voeckler who once again held the Maillot Jaune for ten grueling days.
Well this is not the grand finale I had planned for the Paris leg of Le Tour .. but being so inspired by Cadel.. I felt I should make my own Tour.. Just like Le Tour.. I will start and end in Paris.. and make my way to Rome and a few other destinations on the way... I've been so busy trying to put this together I've been ignoring my blog and yours!!! So forgive my absence and hopefully in September I'll be able to bring you some snapshots of the fun ride Tour de Ruby 2011 ...

Have A Great Week Everyone
... Hopefully I'll get back on here before I go ....

Happy Trails, Julie!!!!
Lotsa hugs and stay safe,
Enjoy the most wonderful tour. Vive les vacances, Francine
Yes, vive les vacances! Have a great time Ruby, am sure you'll take wonderful pix. Bon voyage! xx
that is too cool.
i wish i were going.....
i need to get out of here.
'starting and ending in paris'
sound like a script to ones life....
i wish!!!
Enjoy your day, Anita
I am so happy that you are taking this tour! I can't wait to see all your beautiful photos and hear all about your adventures. Have a safe and amazing time my friend!!!
Can't wait! Thanks for the images
Hope that your week is off to a great start, friend!
Congrats to your fellow countryman! I can't wait to see your inspirational tour!
Have a lovely vacation...can't wait to see the pictures!
Really looking forward to your tour Julie.
It was Brilliant! His time trial, and the way he paced himself. He seemed more relaxed this year too
Cheers to you Julie. You Go Girl!!! Bon Voyage!
You should be a Tour Leader Julie, you would have the happiest bunch of travelers on the planet!
Millie x
YU ARE DOING IT!!!! YOU ARE Going to the other side of the shore.....YES!!!
When I FINALLY went to Europe and then when my husband followed me there a month later, we thought, "WHAT TOOK US SO LONG?"
We could say that about anything else we endeavor to pursue; be well, be not afraid, jump in and ENJOY.
SO HAPPY DEAREST THAT YOU ARE DOING IT. You are going to have MUCH to report and tell!
you are going! i am so thrilled for you...and for us...because i know you will show us!...i thought of you when he won the race...and i will think of you on the full moon in august when you are on your great adventure...have fun sweetie! cheers, susan
Julie, late to the party however I am enthralled with your images, especially the 1st and can't wait to see more!!
Art by Karena
Julie, you're coming to Europe! Have the best of times (and you are the sort who will), and take marvelous photos for us. If you find yourself in Ireland, you know you're always welcome at our place for a cup of peppermint tea.
ooo lucky !!
have too much fun !
~pooch xx
Dear Julie, have a fantastic time, your tour sounds divine!
Claudia xo
Have fun, been thinking of you. yvonne
It sounds like such fun, Julie! I can't wait to see the photos. Happy travels!
Big congrats to Cadel Julie...it was such big news...as is yours...lucky, lucky, lucky...enjoy it all...you will have a blast....Dzintra
Wow, that first shot is amazing...and gave me the shivers! Cadel certainly was inspiring and we're looking forward to his Melbourne homecoming!
Can't wait to see Tour de Ruby shots...stay safe and bask in the splendour of it all!
Alaine xx
Hello Julie
A wonderful post. I am your newest follower and look forward to future posts. I read you are in Normandy today. Have a wonderful time
Helen xx
Tour de Ruby. I like it! You must be ecstatic about your countryman winning the Tour.
what a great post!
Missing you, wishing you have a fabulous time. Can't wait to see your photo's. Be safe and have fun.
Have a great time!
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Julie!! Your going! I am so very very happy for you. I know how much this trip means to you. I will be thinking of you all the way and am thrilled you will be meeting Ange too. Can't wait to read and see....all about it!
Safe travels my friend!
Jeanne xxx
Julie I am thrilled for you that you are engaged in your own version of le Tour de Ruby!! I for one can't wait to hear of your escapades and see your amazing photography. I felt bad as I never replied to your last email to me. I can't believe the color in your tellie was going out just as your fellow countryman was winning the Tour 2011?!! Congrat's to Cadel, he is one heck of a man and cyclist. No one deserved the win more than he did. Travel safely my friend and soak up all that gorgeous scenery for all your readers.
Deb xx
Hi Julie I am so sorry I have missed so many of your posts but so glad i got you before you leave for your tour so looking forward to hearing all about it I am so wish i was going take care have fun & soak it all in :)
Lainey xx
x exquisite accessories started a new blog thats why been so busy happy weekend x
Dear Julie,
I hope that is well and that you are having a wonderful week. Thank you for, yet again, a beautiful post that not only delights the eyes, but is inspiring... you always take us a way, even if just for a few minutes, from the business of this world, to appreciate certain things. I so enjoy my visits, even if they are not as frequent as I would like!
xx, Sarah
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