
Fly Boys
just hanging around creating havoc
Sorry everyone about the last post.. something went a miss and I'll fix it eventually...
Meanwhile, today I've been hanging off the balcony again trying to get shots of the cockatoos going berserk in the jacaranda tree. A rainstorm was brewing which always tends to get them a little pazzo .. Hearing their screech fest, it was off to the balcony with camera. One wize guy came swooping past just inches from my face ... I screamed ... He screamed.. We all screamed.. the neighbours just shake their heads and mumble about the crazy lady with the camera.. but usually it pays off, even if only to confuse the neighbours.
.. Camouflage Cockatoo ..

As today's visitors would not cooperate.. I dug up some old photos instead.. Welcome to Australia.. the land of the crazy cockatoo.. Mind you looking back this guy above was quite calm and let me get numerous shots of him in all sort of poses... Sitting Cockatoo .. Climbing Cockatoo .. Eating the tree Cockatoo .. and doing 'after eating things' you don't want to know Cockatoo.
.. Hanging with the Boys! ..
And these little rascals I shot a few weeks back. they had me on the run.. I had to chase them back and forth across the street till they stopped still.. Talk about work for the photo!




.. Join The Club! ..

.. Giveaway Reminder and Thank YOU ..
Thank you everyone for such a wonderful response to my giveaway...
Your kind words are so encouraging and just the boost I need. The giveaway is still open until Friday May 7 so if you haven't had a chance pop over to my last post..
IMAGE SOURCE: .. all photography and artwork by me [being ruby©]
I'd like to have semi-transparent cockatoos screaming around my house too. Why should your neighbours have all the laughs? Lovely images, and I don't know why but I'm thinking they make superb biscuit-tin lids.
Those fly boys are such interesting critters! Love those pics of them on the wires....
Birds are so hard to photograph, at least for me...they don't pose too well and are usually too far away for me and my little point and shoot!
I will leave them to the experts like you, Julie!
I hope you have a good night sleep as I climb out of bed and get myself going here!
Take care, Laura
What beautiful photos!
Have a nice day,
These pictures make me kind of like birds. They are really beautiful!
I can't imagine living somewhere where I would see cockatoos just flying around. Here...we see them in pet stores. They are such gorgeous birds...love that first picture!
Oh I love these (as does GG--she's looking from my lap salivating,). Excellent title. Both of us have a bird thing, methinks. Bird on the Wire. Fly Me to the Moon. (Just thinking of titles for other blog...) Very, very pretty. I think the boys might have been wanting to preen a bit more before the shots? They look fine but you know how pretty boys behave. (Badly)
Hi Julie
Great photos! And I have to admit, as similar as the places we live are, as far as I know, we do NOT have cockatoos flying around. Except, maybe. at the zoo!
Blogger is not letting me download pictures for the post I want to do today. I leave tomorrow morning to go visit Kim Kelly and will probably not have computer access while I'm there. I'll have my iPhone but I don't think I can post from it. It's probably possible, but I'm pretty sure that I cannot do it. Anyway, if I can't enjoy everyone's blogs while I am away, I'll have a lot of catching up to do when I return!
What your neighbours think don´t mind...your photographs are unique and marvellous.Thank you for your comentaries .
it is so hard to believe that cockatoos just live around you like this while they would never survive like this here. Of course we can buy them as pets and they are very expensive! I enjoyed your pictures and your post is so funny.
I am off to see about your giveaway! Have a fantastic day!
i am perpetually amazed at your artistry in
it is my dream to be able to express with
words as you do with photos. maybe in
a hundred years.
How lovely to see those pretty cockatoos everywhere, even resting on telephone wires! Your first altered photo here is fantastic ... it has a fairytale look to it, like something out of a dream.
Julie, it must be wonderful to have such exotic birds, right outside your window.
Hey Julie - those first photos look like water colour paintings. Quite ethereal and whimsical. I miss the cockatoos with their incessant gaggling and screeching. And I cried with laughter imagining you hanging from the balcony trying to get just the right shot with Kim saying 'Look at Me, Look at Me' from underneath!! Fab post. Looking forward to seeing the one I clicked on earlier too.
Give a big scream to your fly boys for me ;-)
Could you email me at jerdee@comcast.net? I couldn't see your email address anywhere on your blog (I'm an idiot).
Great photos :-) LOL to mad lady with camera.
What a great WW treat to wake up to! A FABULOUSA post.
You NEVER cease to amaze me girl.........
Is it OK if I enter about 100 more times under assumed names?
Oh my goodness that is pretty funny about all screaming. I had no idea Cockatoos just fly around like the little wrens do here in the US.
My Auntie mentioned that you see them but I thought she was kidding me.
I would want to be bird watching all the time.
Hi Julie! I love these photos! The first one looks just like a watercolor. Beautiful! I have to show my daughter these for sure! She loves birds! Have a great day! Jennifer:)
Thats so gorgeous. I love the cockies. Fantastic title for them :-). You've captured the era and romance beautifully.
Hey Julie,These shots are truly wonderful...i love the ones on the wires, particularly the first..something very Australian about these..or maybe extra Australian...but Australian in a romantic sense not a "crikey beuaty mate" sense. I don't think I am making sense...Anyway you are so lucky to have these fellows visit. I get the odd Kookaburra...occasional magpies and some Rosellas that love my palm trees when they flower...but Cockatoos...they are wonderful...so bossy and funny..have you seen the documentary The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill...so amazing you would love it...I cried and cried...Hope you have a lovely day..the weather is fantastic here today, love Katherine
i like your boys. we only have them here in captivity, which sucks.... or pets.
your photos are really cool
Hey - Super cool photos- there are 2 types of cockatoo you have there Julie.
One is the sulphur-crested and the others are Little Corellas. The Little Corella looks like a long billed Corella but the Long-billed Corella has a longer beak and is a bit stockier... They have a distinct pinkish hue where the Sulphur-Crested is pure white
:o) ( sorry to bore you and your readers...)
Funny! Must have been quite entertaining for the rest of his friends as well!
And your photo art, my friend. You are so broad and talented, girl.
A warm hug,
ps... you will find pointing a camera or a finger at these birds may startle them.. if they are from the bush they are often shot at by farmers
Hi Julie,
It is such a romantic thought to have cockatoos on your doorstep. The nearest thing to exotic in the U.K. is a woodpecker in the garden !!
The last ones remind me of Alfred Hitchcock's 'The Birds', all sitting there ready to peck !! haha.
Gorgeous photographs with the Being Ruby touch. XXXX
I wasn'r sure if those were photos or paintings at first. cocatoos are amazing! Now I want to travel to the land of the cockatoo!
i can't believe they are flying around like any other bird. free.
my mom will flip when she sees this post.
we had cockatoos IN A CAGE in our conservatory many years ago.
they are gorgeous.
super cool pics.
luv ya,
I don't know how a cockatoo sounds! But the pictures are beyond fabulous -gorgeous!!!!
wow Australia is frigid great!!!! all those cool birds...Your images as per usual are wonderful...When I saw Fly Boys of course I thought about the Air Force, but I guess these guys are air force as well...
Who knew these pesky noisy creatures could look so good! Your first image is amazing - love it! Leigh
Love the water color quality of those first photos. And hey, there's nothing wrong with the neighbors thinking you're a crazy lady. You probably could get away with a bunch of things.
How are you? Love the post!
I've been well.. busy. just finished my second year in Interior design (out of 4), and took some time to find an internship with a design firm. Currently enjoying the Summer.
Hows everything with you?
Ha ha Julie...you screaming...the cockatoo screaming...that just cracked me up imagining it all!!! Stunning shots as usual...love the Boys Club...Dzintra♥x
See not only are you a fabulous photographer but teacher too!!!! I had no clue that they flit & fleet around the Aussie skies. This is cool. I'm chatting with Hailey on the phone & her little voiced squeaked an "oh my gosh!!!" at this news.
She put it best. Australia is just the coolest!!!
Great photos
Have a wonderful weekend ,Julie.
Your firts photo is stunning,Julie every time you surprise me!!
Have a nice weekend,
I trip to Asturias this weekend to see my mother....I send you some image
Amazing photos of handsome boys!!!
Happy week end Julie!
Hi there , "crazy lady with the camera"...
Haha, stop screaming that much, I can hear you all the way to Sweden =))). No wonder your neighbours shake their heads, hahaha. Seriously.
You keep photographing, and let them shake their heads, haha, they will never get the thing anyway, will they.
You have a wonderful weekend.
What beautiful photos! But I'm pretty sure I'd have run the other way, or at the least, used a really long zoom lens! (My sister had one and it scared me to death. Yet it hated everyone but me and I was the only one it would allow to feed him. TORTURE!)
Phenomenal photos as always. Like beautiful paintings. I felt like I must be in the tropics.
I love the cockatoos. They are such exquisite birds. I can't believe you can just look out your window and see them when they are considered exotic here.
Amazing images. I have a thing for photos of birds (any kind) on utility lines.
SCREECH!! This creation climbs to the top of my cockatoo compatibility chart.
I had no idea there are wild cockatoos flying around Australia. I put my bird feeder out in my new yard and the local birds are finding it, but Julie, I miss the wild parrots that visited in Florida and the egrets that would hang out in my yard. I just don't get the same thrill from Cardinals and Nuthatches as I did from my beach birds. You know they say, "Birds of a feather, flock together" and I need my beach birds, lol!
Love your choice of textures here! Hanging from the balcony, is there anything we won't do for our art?! ;) xx
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