The Angel at Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio

Another Sunday
Another Angel
Hi Everyone.. I hadn't planned on posting another Angel yet.. but haven't had time to prepare anything else.. So for a little Sunday entertainment, here is an Angel that forms part of a 'Madonella' [Little Madonnas] near the Trevi Fountain. These 'Little Madonnas' can be found all over Rome, each unique and sweet in their own way... I was so besotted by them I attempted to photograph each and everyone... Perhaps this shot is not the best example to introduce these as you can't actually see the Madonna, but I like the way the Angel seems to be protecting the church.. I hope he protects you also, and fills your dreams with sweet thoughts.
Have A Wonderful Weekend
I'll Be Back Soon

ALL Text, Original Photography & Artwork [copyright beingRuby©]
Shots taken at the Trevi Fountain, Rome, August 2011
Rome: Vatican City

Further to my last post.. Here are a few shots of the walk up to the Vatican City showing the beautiful hazy glow from the fading sun... The lamp lights in the first image are 'lit by sunlight' Thank you Mother Nature for your contribution!!! .. It really was a spectacular moment. A moment filled with awe and admiration for the grandeur and sheer scale of St Peter's and the surrounding architecture... A grandeur that achieves serenity, rather than bedazzle and opulence..
Although I have seen this sight before, there was still a feeling of anticipation and expectation.. The lateness of the day and absence of crowds gave the square an almost abandoned quality... yet something else had taken up residence.. The empty spaces were filled instead with an effervescent glow.. and I swear I could see nature come out to play with the statues atop the colonnades .. The tourists had gone and it was finally their time of day. Their time for play .. to stretch their legs after hours of rigid duty.... My expectations were delighted!
'Angel With The Tassles'
Well.. I wanted to include another angel from Ponte Sant'Angelo.. and this guy looked so serene in his profile shot, sunlight tickling his feathers.. I thought he fit the bill.. Until I researched his name.. 'Angel With The Whips'... righty oh!!! and there I was thinking he was the 'Angel With The Tassles'... Too late to pick another angel from the pack.. This one was already suited up.
Have A Wonderful Week Everyone
And work up some anticipation for the weekend
your expectations just might be delighted!!
Rome: Just Call Me Angel

... Welcome To Rome ...
.. A City of Contrasts..
A carousel ride of crazy sharing house with the crazy beautiful.
.. Today I'll ease you into it by starting softly with the crazy beautiful ..
Angels of Ponte Sant'Angelo
For over four hundred years these celestial sentinels have stood silently in wait. Ten angels armed with the 'instruments of the passion', they guide and protect pilgrims on their way to the Vatican City. However, for this pilgrim, the angels themselves were the focus of my journey. After sixteen years of wondering why I didn't photograph the other nine angels, I know now that 'The Angel With Cross' is my favourite, and yes I now also have his nine relatives ready to trot out over and over again.. Lucky YOU.. haha..
All ten angles were sculptured under the guidance of my favourite roman sculptor, Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Today's post showcases two: First, 'The Angel With Cross' whose face and demeanour are the embodiment of compassion. My eye wants to linger on the exquisite symmetry of gown and wings. The luck of the neighbouring church turret, with it's golden pink glow doesn't hurt either. And the other.. 'The Angel With Superscription', he's a bit more flamboyant.. Not your run of the mill angel.. No this one's more into the coifed do's, designer gowns and skirts flapping in the breeze.. A less typical angelic image.
Speaking of beauty.. When I finally finished capturing the ten angels for posperity, it was too late to visit the Vatican. However a quick walk there was more than worth the effort. Seeing St Peter's Square in the late afternoon glow was something to behold... The throngs of tourists had left for the day and the square was almost empty. Such incredible beauty draped in the stillness of the afternoon and the fading sunlight dancing on the fountains. Gorgeous!!! It's never too late to find beauty!!
Well that's it for today... There'll be plenty more Rome to come.. The crazy and the crazy beautiful.. and I still have to trot out those other eight angels.. They're backstage now putting their faces on!!
Wishing You All A Wonderful New Week
And Remember
It's Never Too Late To Find Beauty!
ALL Text, Original Photography & Artwork [copyright beingRuby©]
Shots taken on the Ponte Sant'Angelo and St Peter's Square, Rome, August 2011
To The Moon Alice: Travels To Paris

.. With October's Travel Moon To Guide Us ..
We've taken this month's Travel Moon to Paris and Sacre Coeur ...
For more of the Paris views I promised you in the last post
The middle shot is the door that brought me my hard earned freedom!!
Never has a door slam sounded so sweet!!

Have A Great Full Moon Season
There's Still More Paris & Normandy To Come A Bit Later
But I'm Thinking A Change of Scenery Is Due: How About Rome?

What You've Missed So Far
ALL Text, Original Photography & Artwork [copyright beingRuby©]
Paris Shots: You guessed it.. Atop Sacre Coeur, Paris, August 2011
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