'Twilight my favourite time. The lingering moment when nature awaits it's bedtime story.. and the Sun, depleted but happy, lounges at the edge of the bay and awaits his applause... He knows it will come.. He has done his job well... The adults stroll with a look of contentment... content to stop and gaze upon the day's end .. unwilling to return to tasks and duties.. they ask the sun to stay... 'A few more minutes' he replies ... The children applaud and frolic in the ocean.. they sing .. they dance and shout 'Encore Encore' and ask the sun to stay .. Loving the adulation, he sighs and blushes a warm pink glow upon his audience .. . 'A few more minutes' he replies ... But soon he must rest.. as the Moon is starting rise... The Sun's shift is over and the Moon's will soon commence .. But for a short magical moment they share the spotlight....'
I love my bay.. and perhaps love it most at twilight after a long summer's day... Sometimes I imagine I've travelled to an exotic location ... People gather to find respite from the heat... and one can feel an excited sort of energy... calm but excited... Perhaps it is anticipation ... Perhaps it is contentment.. Either way it is a magical moment... sometimes amber... sometimes silver and gold.. but lately 'Pink' .. Magical pink twilights I thought I'd share with you...
Before I go I want to apologize for my tardy visits to all your lovely blog posts.. I'm just a slacker!!! The sun is out.. It's summer and I'm spending less time online at present.. and in the time I have spent online I seem to have mucked up my blog format.. I'm in the process of change.. but blogger is resisting!!! Strange.. it's usually me that resists change!! Well.. I am Taurean!!..
Have a lovely weekend everyone.. 'The Slacker' [me] will visit soon
All Text, Photography and Artwork by [Being Ruby©]
Location: Sans Souci Sydney Australia January 2011
NB Only the Moon shot has been altered.. Photos reflect the actual colours